May our actions and attitudes be a testament to God’s love. As we approach…
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time – May our actions and attitudes be a testament to God’s love.
As we approach the end of the liturgical year, the readings on this 31stSunday…
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Will you allow the Word of God to shape and guide you?
On this 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we call to mind the profoundteachings presented…
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time – How are you?
On this 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the Church also celebrates WorldMission Sunday. It…
28th Sunday – How do you measure your success?
On this 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, let us reflect on the meaning ofsuccess…
27th Sunday – Let’s use words to help others discover God’s purpose for their lives.
On this 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we, as followers of Christ, are calledto…
26th Sunday -Do we think the Lord’s ways is unfair?
In today’s readings, we are presented with a profound message from theLord, as spoken…
25th Sunday – Let us renew our commitment to seek the Lord
On this 25th Sunday in Ordinary time, through the prophet Isaiah and theApostle Paul,…