Let us rejoice in the Lord always. Today we celebrate the 3rd Sunday of…
2nd Sunday of Advent – Year B
Will you give comfort to your brothers and sisters? As we enter the second…
1st Sunday of Advent – Year B
Awaken from your slumber! As we gather to celebrate the Eucharist on this first…
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A
Am I a good and faithful servant? On this 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time…
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
We continue on our journey toward our final destination. As the holiday season approaches,…
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A
May our actions and attitudes be a testament to God’s love. As we approach…
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time – May our actions and attitudes be a testament to God’s love.
As we approach the end of the liturgical year, the readings on this 31stSunday…
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Will you allow the Word of God to shape and guide you?
On this 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we call to mind the profoundteachings presented…
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time – How are you?
On this 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the Church also celebrates WorldMission Sunday. It…