Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Father Dominic Toan Tran, Pastor
Grace and peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ be with you. In our fast-paced and demanding lives, it’s crucial to carve out moments of reflection and spiritual nourishment. With this in mind, I have started a weekly tradition of sharing thought-provoking reflections every Sunday. These reflections are carefully crafted to inspire and deepen our connection with our Lord.
By dedicating just a short time to immerse ourselves in these reflections, we can gain fresh perspectives, find solace, and fuel our spiritual growth. It’s an opportunity to pause, contemplate, and align our thoughts with the greater purpose that guides our lives.
May God’s blessings be with you always, and may these moments of reflection bring you peace, inspiration, and a renewed sense of purpose.
27th Sunday – Let’s use words to help others discover God’s purpose for their lives.
On this 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we, as followers of Christ, are calledto…
26th Sunday -Do we think the Lord’s ways is unfair?
In today’s readings, we are presented with a profound message from theLord, as spoken…
25th Sunday – Let us renew our commitment to seek the Lord
On this 25th Sunday in Ordinary time, through the prophet Isaiah and theApostle Paul,…