Who we are
The Ladies of St. John are women of all ages, who through membership, unite as parish volunteers to work spiritually and socially in support of LSJ goals and objectives for the enrichment of our parish family. We actively share in the life, work and mission of the parish. We pursue faith formation, personal prayer and participation in the works of justice, serving the poor, and love of our parishioners and neighbors. Our motto is BE KIND.
When and where we meet: We hold monthly meetings from September to May on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. (unless otherwise noted) in the Parish Hall.
- Annual Dues of $25 are payable in September.
- Guests/Vistors: $5
Click on this link to see photos from our Broadway luncheon LSJ Annual Luncheon
Be sure to also take a look at the Ladies’ photo gallery to see photos from our past events.
- President: Elizabeth Daniello
- Vice President: Maryann Derasmo
- Treasurer: Dr. Anita Verga
- Recording Secretary: N/A
- Corresponding Secretary: Maria Heredia
- Trustees: Elaine Walls and Rosemary Ziemba
First Event of the Season – Pet Appreciation & Health through Gratitude. Monday, Sept 16th, 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall
Liz Daniello 561-289-9301 or edaniello@att.net.