Dear Parents and Guardians:
Grace and peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ be with you. I hope this message finds you and your families in the best of health and spirits. As your pastor, I am writing to you to extend a heartfelt invitation to encourage your children to participate in the meaningful ministry of Altar Servers. It is a privilege to serve the Lord and our faith community in this capacity, and I believe it can greatly enrich their spiritual growth and understanding.
According to the General Principles and Guidelines set forth by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), all children who have received their First Holy Communion are eligible to become Altar Servers. This important role allows them to actively contribute to the celebration of the Mass and assist the clergy in various liturgical duties.
Altar Servers hold a unique position within the Church, and their service fosters a deeper connection to the Sacred Mysteries, strengthens their faith, and nurtures a sense of belonging to the Catholic family. By participating in this ministry, children have the opportunity to grow in their understanding of the Mass, develop a spirit of devotion and reverence, and cultivate a sense of responsibility and commitment to serving others, and perhaps one day, they may become great leaders.I firmly believe that the participation of our young members in the ministry of Altar Servers not only contributes to the vitality of our worshiping community, but also offers them a chance to develop valuable skills, forge lasting friendships, and foster a lifelong commitment to their faith
Fr. Dominic Toan Tran, Pastor.If you believe your child is ready and willing to take on this role, please contact our parish office at (561) 488-1373 for further information, including training schedules, and any additional details relevant to our parish.
Thank you for your attention. I look forward to welcoming your children into the noble ministry of Altar Servers. May God bless you and your loved ones abundantly.
Yours in Christ,