Let us invite Jesus into our hearts and lives.
Today’s reading on this 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time prompts us to reflect on
the nature of human interactions and the importance of our words. The readings
from the past two weeks focused on God’s design for human happiness and
demonstrated that just as a book cannot be judged by it’s cover, a person’s
character cannot be determined by his or hers outward appearance. People
possess qualities and depths that may not be immediately apparent. A better
way to discern a person’s character is by paying attention to their words.
In the first reading from the book of Sirach, a poignant metaphor reinforces
this idea: “When a sieve is shaken, the husks appear; so do one’s faults when
one speaks.” Our words reveal our inner thoughts and dispositions. We are
urged not to praise someone before they speak, as it is during speech that one’s
true nature is revealed. A person may display charm and articulate fluidity, yet
apparent expressions may lack genuine substance. Empty words provide no
lasting value nor do they inspire true connections with others.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches His disciples and us that a person’s words
reflect what fills our hearts. Therefore, true character is revealed through speech,
transcending the complexity of language. It is not the intricacy of vocabulary that
matters, but the emotional weight and impact of those words on listeners. As we
listen to others, we also have a chance for self-reflection. The influence of our
words on others encourages us to examine our hearts.
As we prepare to enter the Lenten season, this coming Ash Wednesday, let
us reflect on our words and thoughts before we speak. This is a time to confront
the clutter in our hearts and seek Jesus’ cleansing grace. Recognizing that our
words can reveal negativity, such as anger, sarcasm, or judgment, is a powerful
reminder of the need for introspection and growth. It is essential to cultivate a
heart filled with goodness and love, a commitment that naturally expresses itself
through words of gratitude. This season offers us the chance for profound growth
and change.
Dear brothers and sisters, as we approach the Lenten season of the Jubilee
Year, let us actively invite Jesus into our hearts, allowing His transformative
presence to work within us. By nurturing a spirit of peace and love in our hearts,
we can become vessels of hope and unity in a fractured world. When filled with
the spirit of Jesus, our words have the power to inspire kindness and diminish
the presence of bitterness and hatred. As we embrace this journey, may others
hear in our words the reflection of Jesus living within us, recognizing us as
ambassadors of peace throughout this meaningful season and beyond.Rev. Dominic Toan Tran, Pastor