Becoming a Channel of Blessings!
On this 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, let us look at the obstacles that hinder
our relationship with God and how we can overcome them. In the first reading,
the Israelites, overwhelmed by the presence of God on Mount Horeb, felt a
sense of disconnection from Him. In present times, we are more likely to find
God to be irrelevant rather than overwhelming. We may perceive Him as far
removed from the practical concerns of our daily lives; thereby making it difficult
for us to connect the gap between our Sunday church time and the rest of our
busy week. As a result, we may unintentionally treat God as someone whom we
do not recognize; therefore, we do not make Him a priority in our lives.
In the Gospel, Jesus teaches in the synagogue with authority and nourishes
the people with words of truth, love, hope, and inspiration. The Power of his
words are evidenced in the Gospel reading, as the evil hidden in others was
rattled and eventually revealed itself. In His calm yet firm response, Jesus
commanded the devil to leave and he did. Clearly, The Word of God has the
power to disrupt darkness and bring forth transformation.
God calls us to be channels and instruments of His blessings for others. Just
as Jesus nourished the people with His teaching, we are called to share the
Word of God and bring hope and peace to those around us. Through the Word,
we encounter God’s presence and experience His blessings. Instead of
complaining like the Israelites did, let us joyfully embrace the responsibility of
being stewards of God’s blessings.
To fulfill God’s calling, we must be diligent and attentive to the voice of God
in the Scriptures. Through this encounter with the Word, we are enlightened by
truth and cleansed by love. As we allow the Word of God to penetrate our hearts,
darkness is scattered. The Word becomes a guiding light in our lives, shaping
our thoughts, actions, and relationships.Fr. Dominic Toan Tran, Pastor
As we listen attentively, read diligently, and speak boldly the Word of God,
we open ourselves to receive blessings and also become a blessing for others.
The transformative power of the Word can flow through us and impact the lives
of those around us. Dear brothers and sisters, may the Word of God continue to
shape and transform us as we embrace His call and respond to Him with faith,
love, and unwavering dedication.